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Why Do Millennials Prefer OTT Platforms Over Big Theatres?

Who doesn’t like to do everything from the convenience of their rooms? We all prioritize comfort, whether working from home or watching a movie. Therefore, to provide us with that accessibility, OTT platforms are in the run. They offer us the comfort and convenience of binge-watching our favorite shows and movies, rolling up in blankets, and eating our favorite food. 

OTT platforms have been a hit since the corona pandemic. People have become used to binge-watching rather than visiting their nearest theatre to watch that new movie everybody is so crazy about once in a while. These platforms offer quality content anytime and anywhere for millennials busy with the everyday hustle and waiting for their favorite show to premiere on TV. 

Advantages That OTT Platforms Have Over Big Theatres Or Cinemas

OTT platforms also existed in the pre-covid period, but they weren’t popular back then. Then, the pandemic made them rise to the top. Now there isn’t a single home or family that wouldn’t have subscriptions to at least one OTT platform. In addition, every millennial has shifted from the cinema culture to Netflixing their favorite shows and movies. Following are some of the advantages why OTT platforms are being preferred more than cinemas:

  1. OTT Platforms Are Accessible

The first and foremost reason OTT platforms are rising is that it is the most convenient and accessible source of entertainment. With OTT platforms, you don’t have to run to theatres and wait in queues to get tickets to watch your favorite movie. Instead, you can easily buy a subscription to your preferred OTT platform and start watching at your own pace whenever and wherever you desire.

Whether you are at the library and looking to watch your favorite biography or waiting for your bus at the bus stop, nothing will stop you from taking out your phone and clicking on any movie or show to watch. With OTT platforms, watching late-night movies with friends and family has become more accessible and simpler than ever. So you can have that homely and theatre feeling simultaneously in the comfort of your bed. 

  1. Multiple Platforms

Recent studies related to the OTT video market in the US have shown that the number of OTT platforms in the United States has reached around 300 and still counting. Furthermore, in recent years, the US entertainment industry has launched many new OTT platforms after examining their rising usage, which further risks the existence of theatres in the United States.

But for the audience who are so hooked up with these online platforms, this can be a piece of great news. Since theatres won’t provide you with such an ocean of choices to watch, OTT platforms will definitely do. You will have different channels and various shows and movies to choose from. With OTT subscriptions, you can never be bored or feel alone. Your 24/7 entertainment support will walk with you everywhere.

  1. Cost-Effective

Remember when we used to go to theatres to watch movies with our whole family? We spent loads of money on tickets, popcorn, and other food, which was three times more expensive than the regular food outside the cinema. That was such an inconvenience, right? But not anymore. The introduction of OTT platforms has made entertainment flexible and perfectly affordable. 

With just one easy subscription to your favorite OTT, you can watch a movie every day on your mobile, laptop, or TV, no matter with who and how many. In addition, the money spent on buying tickets can now be used to purchase subscriptions for more than one OTT and then enjoy it for months, whenever or wherever, through the internet. A good deal, isn’t it? 

  1. Domestic And International Content

OTT platforms have made accessing domestic and international entertainment more accessible than ever. You can watch movies and shows in various languages directed and produced in multiple countries. For example, Netflix is one of the most popular OTT in history and comprises shows and movies from almost around the world. 

Netflix has shows from Korea, Germany, Spain, India, the United States, Turkey, Russia, etc. This is because it has no boundaries regarding providing its audience with quality content. This way, Netflix offers its customers a wide range of entertainment services. Furthermore, all of the content on these OTT platforms is original and creative, making it easy for you to have broader outreach toward entertainment. 

Summing Up

Binge-watching is nowadays becoming the new normal among millennials, and these OTT platforms are the critical cause of it. Their idea of fun and entertainment revolves around binge-watching their favorite movies and shows by staying in the comfort of their homes. OTT platforms have contributed a great deal towards the growth of the entertainment industry in the previous years. With the continuous development and global reach of these platforms, OTT has been demanding more workforce and, therefore, opening the door to many promising future opportunities and better career prospects. There is no ideal time than now for people looking to enter the entertainment industry. 

The time will come soon when you have to bid goodbyes to the traditional and physical sources of entertainment and indulge in binge-watching the most creative and original content through some top-notch OTT platforms.

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