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How To Come Up With Better Question Ideas For A Podcast?

Podcasts are the new trend in the entertainment industry. Every second person near you loves to hear podcasts, and they have already kept some of the most famous podcasts in their playlist. With the emerging trend of podcasts among the youth, it gets equally essential to look for crisp ideas for your next podcast. Some begin the podcasts by sharing their life stories, goals and future aims, relationship issues, and more. But one needs to experiment with new ideas and topics to remain in the limelight. It is so because if your podcast doesn’t reach the target audience, your podcast journey will slowly decrease. 

Spend time listening to your audience and pick out the issues that need to get addressed. Talk about those issues or topics, and then slowly move towards interviews in your podcast sessions. People find interviews engaging and help in improving engagement. This blog highlights some tips one can follow to find better question ideas for a podcast. 

Tips To Find Better Question Ideas For A Podcast 

Let us follow some top tips to make our podcasts more engaging and audience-centric. 

  1. Do Extensive Research

When running a podcast and interviewing any personality, always come prepared with your questions. If you do not know about the person, then it leaves a rude and unprofessional impression on that person. On the other hand, if you come well-prepared with your questions and understand who they really are, then it makes the podcast interviewing process thrilling. Research their industry, area of expertise, likes and dislikes, special interests, and more.  

  1. Study The Target Audience

Everything in the podcast is interesting once it matches the target audience. Spend time exploring our audience and learning about their values, interests, and more. If you understand the struggles or general issues of your audience and begin talking about them in your podcast. , in no more time, your podcast will reach the target audience.  It is essential to create a strong podcast channel that matches the needs of the customers. 

  1. Use The 5 Ws

In our childhood, we often used the 5 Ws. It is an excellent way to unlock new questions and engage the audience. The 5 Ws include who, what, when, where, and why. By framing questions with these 5 Ws, one can easily generate a list of questions. You can customize the questions based on the niche and get various unique ideas. These questions will create a buzz on any social topic and will help encourage the audience to reach out to them. 

  1. Talk About Social Issues

Social complexities are rising daily and need extensive research to carry out the social issue on a social platform. Though social issues sound engaging to the readers, one must talk about their positive and negative aspects. Expert guidance is required to address social problems, and these bits of advice should also be followed. Addressing social issues can make more people get in touch with your podcast and feel connected with what you deliver to the audience. 

  1. Stay Flexible

Another essential thing that makes the podcast interesting is the connection between the interviewer and the guest. Both should talk about any issue of their interest so that multiple topics can be addressed and the audience doesn’t get bored. You don’t require any script to get flexible with questions. One can easily grab any topic and ask questions related to it. Build a rapport with your guest and cultivate an organic conversation that feels authentic to your listener. 

  1. Add An Icebreaker Question 

Lastly, one can incorporate an icebreaker question for the audience. They can talk about something special in the podcast or suggest some book recommendations, self-care practices, suggest motivational stories, etc., to the audience. Adding an icebreaker question will make the podcast more audience-centric and will generate good results. One can also initiate an open-ended question and let the audience think about it.  


Interviewing in a podcast is a great skill as it makes the conversation flow better and adds value to the show. It opens multiple opportunities for the interviewer and gives news insights to the public about social issues. Starting a podcast is not a challenge but what is more challenging is to keep it going to a larger audience. Try to develop unique ideas for episodes and establish a new angle to an issue. Another idea that makes the podcast topic look good is giving it an emotional touch. Try to incorporate inspirational stories or incidents that melt the listener’s heart and generate passion and enthusiasm. Listen to multiple topics on our podcast for a breathtaking experience. Share it with your loved ones and let them visualize a new experience.

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